
Posts Tagged ‘tim mahoney’

Tree Down
If a tree falls in the woods, do you hear it? We’ve all heard this asked before. But what if a tree, albeit a dead tree, falls in your own backyard, do you hear it? Well, the answer to that is yes, sort of, as I found out last night. And you FEEL it hit the ground. I heard it hit the ground (didn’t really hear it fall, heard the break) and thought someone was trying to break in and so did the dogs. My husband heard it and he was asleep. The neighbors behind us even heard and asked if we were OK, as we looked out to see what had happened.

There once were two Slash Pine trees, each were about 30 or 40 feet tall and growing just off our patio not more than two feet away and they were only about one foot apart. But then came Hurricane Francis and Hurricane Jeanne in 2004. Well, needless to say, we lost one of the pine trees as well as one on the vacant lot next door that the top third (yes, third, it broke in two places and it wasn’t a dead pine!) landed in our yard and partially on the patio. The bottom trunk of that tree, which is still about 18 foot tall is still standing and the middle part is laying on the ground next to it. (photo below)

Living in an area subject to hurricanes can take some getting use to for some. I personally, go with the flow. I don’t let those kind of threats bother me. I’ve already been through at least five hurricane since I’ve lived in Florida and one more (or a threat of one) isn’t going to scare me. I know what needs to be done, I prepare if the need arises. But mainly, I don’t freak because some moron on TV starts going on like it’s the end of the world and it’s still only a tropical storm. If and when it’s my time to go, well I guess I’m going to go whenever God draws my number.

Tree stump
Living in Florida in the summer, everyone knows about the thunderstorms and rains that come almost on a daily basis. Sometimes it’s sun, rain, sun, rain and sun again, and then it’s really humid. It’s not the heat, it’s the humidity! I llike the thunderstorms and especially the rain, since we are on water restrictions because some morons decided to lower the water level in Lake Okeechobee (our water source) and pollute our estuaries (very damaging to the fish and other lifeforms) and cause a water shortage. On the other hand you shouldn’t be wasting a precious resource such as water.

Broken feeder
The funny thing is that this dead pine tree just decided to fall in the middle of a tropical storm. Oh, and believe me, the media has been hyping this like it’s never happened before. Talk about a slow news day. What’s even funnier is the tropical storm hasn’t really even gotten here yet. We’re just getting the outer bands now. Go figure.

tree top
So now I have to put up a pole to hang my squirrel feeder (the squirrels will not be happy tomorrow!) that was hanging from the tree. No more fun and games for the squirrels on that tree. The tree also hit one of the arms of a bird feeder/plant hanger that my husband put up for me further out and crushed one of the feeders.

So now you know…If a tree falls do you hear it? Well, all depends on how close you are to it. You may not actually hear it fall, but you will know that it is falling.

Well, the pictures are up. The “big storm” is now in full force here. It’s been raining and windy. Now we are feeling the brunt of the storm. Not really bad though. It’s been kind of nice, the windows are open and the “breeze” is great. Even better no A/C!

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Visit my Nature’s Beauty gallery.

Buy and plant milkweed today and help save the Monarch Butterflies.

Supported links:
Monarch Watch is dedicated to saving the Monarchs through tagging, monitoring and other conservation means. The Monarch Waystation Program was started for others to help the Monarchs every day and throughout their migration period. My yard is waystation 293 out of over 2,100 registered waystations.
Live Monarch Foundation raises thousands of butterflies and milkweed and offers free milkweed seeds to start your own conservation efforts to save the Monarch in your own backyard.
Michoacan Reforestation and Habitat Protection Fund helps the Monarch’s winter habitat through reforestation of the land that has been devastated through development and construction.
Monarch Sanctuary provides financial and scientific support to preserve the natural balance and diversity of the oyamel fir forests that are the overwintering grounds for the Monarchs.
Monarch Butterfly Works toward conservation and offers a lot of great information on gardening tips, life cycle, biology and much more.
National Wildlife Federation A familiar foundation that really works to save all forms of wildlife worldwide.
UF Wildlife Ecology Their mission is to foster education, expand knowledge, and reward scholarships, using multi-disciplinary approaches, for the purpose of understanding, managing, and conserving biological resources.
Florida Wildlife Federation Affiliated with the National Wildlife Federation, their goals are to help the wildlife of Florida.
The Humane Society of the Treasure Coast – my local Humane Society Shelter.
Orphie G’s Emporium Buy butterfly plants and seeds for your butterfly garden. This is my ebay store.

Other links:
Do you Squidoo? Try it, it’s great! Make a lens about whatever subject you choose.
Integrated Pest Management Information on how to control the pests in your lawn and garden, limiting the use of pesticides.
Come Join My Network at Digg
Visit Nature’s Beauty for some great products and gifts.
Photo Adoption Agency Adopt a photo today!

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OK PEOPLE, what WILL it take for you to wake up? What will it take for you to stand up for your rights? This is my blog, my opinion, and my views. I am not forcing them on you, I am trying to get you to wake up and see the light. I’m not asking for you to sacrifice anything other than your selfish, self-righteous ways. I want you to do the research and stop listening to and believing the lies the media is forcing down your throats.

As my friend Adam says, “We need to stand up. Al Gore says that we need a movement in this country akin to the space race movement back in the sixty’s. When Kennedy said that we would put a man on the moon, most people thought he was crazy. But the American people got behind him and we made it happen.

Now we’ve got bigger problems than beating the Russians to the moon. The time for big bold action is here again, and American’s need to take off the food bag, get off the couch and away from the T.V. and start thinking for themselves.”

The only thing wrong now is that we don’t have a leader that we can stand behind as with JFK. We don’t have a leader that cares for the people of this great country. Nor do we have one waiting on the side lines to step in and take over for the moron that has been running this country into the ground for the last eight years. But we can, if we stand together, do something to change all that.

Take a moment and check out these web sites and the people behind them. They seek the REAL truth and have found more than YOU obviously want to know. Look at what Ron Paul has to say, what he believes in and what he could do given the chance. Listen to and read what Alex Jones’ InfoWars and PrisonPlanet have to say.

You don’t have to believe me, but please look for yourselves and give yourself a fighting chance. Don’t take “your world” for granted, because it’s about to be ripped apart. Take stock in your own world and help us take America back to what she once was. A strong America that other countries fear, strive to become like or try to destroy us (because they hate the freedom for which she stands) and above all else, the America where Americans come to believe in the great “American Dream.” The “American Dream” is now a nightmare for those who try to achieve it.

I want the America where people love, live and enjoy being citizens of America, waving the American flag and NOT have to worry about some idiots being offended because they don’t embrace America for everything that she is. Just because you don’t want to salute the flag, then DON’T and don’t make it to where I can’t salute the flag, pray to GOD, celebrate Christmas with a CHRISTMAS TREE. And yes, it IS a CHRISTMAS TREE, NOT a holiday tree. If you don’t want a CHRISTMAS TREE then don’t get one, you don’t want to celebrate Christmas, then don’t, but don’t force me to celebrate my religion, my religious holidays so I don’t offend you or how it suits you. That OFFENDS me.

I want the America where we care what happens to her, her land, the wildlife, the air we breath and our environment and the PEOPLE.

So wake up or flake off…It’s your choice.

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Visit my Nature’s Beauty gallery.

Buy and plant milkweed today and help save the Monarch Butterflies.

Supported links:
Monarch Watch is dedicated to saving the Monarchs through tagging, monitoring and other conservation means. The Monarch Waystation Program was started for others to help the Monarchs every day and throughout their migration period. My yard is waystation 293 out of over 2,100 registered waystations.
Live Monarch Foundation raises thousands of butterflies and milkweed and offers free milkweed seeds to start your own conservation efforts to save the Monarch in your own backyard.
Michoacan Reforestation and Habitat Protection Fund helps the Monarch’s winter habitat through reforestation of the land that has been devastated through development and construction.
Monarch Sanctuary provides financial and scientific support to preserve the natural balance and diversity of the oyamel fir forests that are the overwintering grounds for the Monarchs.
Monarch Butterfly Works toward conservation and offers a lot of great information on gardening tips, life cycle, biology and much more.
National Wildlife Federation A familiar foundation that really works to save all forms of wildlife worldwide.
UF Wildlife Ecology Their mission is to foster education, expand knowledge, and reward scholarships, using multi-disciplinary approaches, for the purpose of understanding, managing, and conserving biological resources.
Florida Wildlife Federation Affiliated with the National Wildlife Federation, their goals are to help the wildlife of Florida.
The Humane Society of the Treasure Coast – my local Humane Society Shelter.
Orphie G’s Emporium Buy butterfly plants and seeds for your butterfly garden. This is my ebay store.

Other links:
Do you Squidoo? Try it, it’s great! Make a lens about whatever subject you choose.
Integrated Pest Management Information on how to control the pests in your lawn and garden, limiting the use of pesticides.
Come Join My Network at Digg
Visit Nature’s Beauty for some great products and gifts.
Photo Adoption Agency Adopt a photo today!

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Wow! Now I know you people are going to hell in a hand basket. One reply? In this country of over 300,000,000 people and there is only one person that cares enough to stand up and shout, “we’re mad as hell and we’re not going to take it anymore.” One person besides myself? God bless you all, you need it.

Do any of you really care what goes on around you? Or are you just so wrapped up in your own little world that you are stupid enough to think, “it won’t happen to me.” I’m too busy thinking about myself to be concerned with the elections, wars, poverty, the homeless, the jobless, the uninsured, the environment, the wildlife, the “so called” oil crisis. As long as it’s not in my backyard. Is this really how you people are? How you think?

Nuclear blast
Wake up PEOPLE, this IS your BACKYARD. America is your home. Get off your butts and do something to save her before the pretend reality that you live in becomes your worst nightmare. The end of America is coming quickly. See this picture? If you wait until a real bomb goes off in America, then it’s too late for you. Don’t ask why did this happen or how could this happen to us. It happened because YOU decided not to do something about it. YOU decided to pass the buck, to let someone else take care of it. If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself with a little help from your friends.

And don’t think for a minute it won’t happen and don’t be surprises that OUR government is the one to drop that bomb. We already know they will. OUR government, well maybe not so much the government, but GWB was behind the World Trade Center bombings. Yes, bombings. Those weren’t real airplanes, so to speak. If you taped the newscasts, go back and watch and look for the 17 second delays, the beeps, the mis-speaks of some of the reporters, the views where the news banners blocked the actual impact and where the nose of the “plane” came through the other side of the building. Compare them to the other station’s newscasts. The truth is there, just look for it. Bombs were placed in the buildings and a missile took out tower two. I will say it again, two 110 story, steel re-enforced buildings do not collapse into their own basement from an impact of an airplane. Don’t believe me, do the research. I want you to check it out and see for yourself.

Three days left for your chance for a FREE button. Isn’t that what everyone wants? Something for nothing? I want to keep America FREE. I want the freedom to call you on your stupidity, your laziness and your self-righteousness. So go ahead ignore the issues, ignore the problems facing America and real Americans today. And ignore me. I can take the money I would have used to send you a FREE button and hey, maybe buy a couple gallons of gas.

Forget the Queen. God Save America…from stupid Americans.

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Visit my Nature’s Beauty gallery.

Buy and plant milkweed today and help save the Monarch Butterflies.

Supported links:
Monarch Watch is dedicated to saving the Monarchs through tagging, monitoring and other conservation means. The Monarch Waystation Program was started for others to help the Monarchs every day and throughout their migration period. My yard is waystation 293 out of over 2,100 registered waystations.
Live Monarch Foundation raises thousands of butterflies and milkweed and offers free milkweed seeds to start your own conservation efforts to save the Monarch in your own backyard.
Michoacan Reforestation and Habitat Protection Fund helps the Monarch’s winter habitat through reforestation of the land that has been devastated through development and construction.
Monarch Sanctuary provides financial and scientific support to preserve the natural balance and diversity of the oyamel fir forests that are the overwintering grounds for the Monarchs.
Monarch Butterfly Works toward conservation and offers a lot of great information on gardening tips, life cycle, biology and much more.
National Wildlife Federation A familiar foundation that really works to save all forms of wildlife worldwide.
UF Wildlife Ecology Their mission is to foster education, expand knowledge, and reward scholarships, using multi-disciplinary approaches, for the purpose of understanding, managing, and conserving biological resources.
Florida Wildlife Federation Affiliated with the National Wildlife Federation, their goals are to help the wildlife of Florida.
The Humane Society of the Treasure Coast – my local Humane Society Shelter.
Orphie G’s Emporium Buy butterfly plants and seeds for your butterfly garden. This is my ebay store.

Other links:
Do you Squidoo? Try it, it’s great! Make a lens about whatever subject you choose.
Integrated Pest Management Information on how to control the pests in your lawn and garden, limiting the use of pesticides.
Come Join My Network at Digg
Visit Nature’s Beauty for some great products and gifts.
Photo Adoption Agency Adopt a photo today!

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You know what I think? I think this country is going to hell in a hand basket as quick as a blink of an eye. It really sickens me to see how many of you support one or the other “candidates” that we have to choose from. One is a senile old coot that can barely remember his name or what he supports or doesn’t, as it changes minute by minute. And just because he was in the service doesn’t make him presidential material as all you faithful followers think. Least you forget, so was George W. Bush (if you can call his stint as an actual service to this country) and look at what he has accomplished. War, poverty, record profits for BIG OIL, highest unemployment rate, death, mass destruction on our own soil, lies, lies and more lies.

The other “candidate” has become a whipping boy for the current administration/congress/puppet master of the moment, he also doesn’t know what he supports. Change? For whom? It’s definitely not for “we the people” or the US of A. And personally, I don’t think he’ll last very long, some sick idiot-bigot will take him out. And then who will we have? At this point we don’t know. But personally, I pray it’s Hillary Clinton. Yeah, I heard the groans, but I believe she would be a much better leader of this county than what’s in the basket now. At least she has some insight.

Let me say one thing that I’m sure will shock you all. I have never heard either one of them speak a single word. GASP! Have you ever heard the saying, “The best MAN for the job is a WOMAN”? I was for Hillary from the get go. Forget if she’s a Democrat or a Republican, she IS the best candidate for the position of President of the USA at this point in time. Compared to Obama and McCain, give me a break.

This is my blog, my opinion and I approve of and endorse this post! Hey, vote ORPHIEG for President! I will make a difference. I care about this country, the people, the environment, the wildlife. I promise to put an end to big oil, big corporations, unemployment, hungry, homeless and uninsured. Raised taxes? You bet! Raise the taxes on the rich and lower the taxes on the poor. If only…

To all of those that are with me, I propose this. I will send you a button like the one shown for FREE (no S&H fees, either) to the first 100 people to post a comment on this post no later than August 16th, 2008. But only if I get 100 posts. At 99 no button, at 101 no more buttons. Multiple posts by the same person will not count toward 100 button total. I must be able to contact you for mailing instructions (allow 2 to 4 weeks for delivery). You must help keep this movement going by telling your friends, online and offline, everyone, everywhere. America can’t take another 4 to 8 years of self-satisfying, big oil, big business loving morons in office.

What about Ron Paul? He has some good ISSUES. He seems to speak for Americans. That, my friends it what it is all about….IT’S ABOUT THE ISSUES. Nothing more, nothing less. It’s about the issues this country, its leaders and its people need to address. HELLO, get your head out of the sand and stand tall, unite, speak up, yell even, and let your voices be heard. We’re mad as hell and we won’t take it anymore!

Check this out, now McCain says we’re better off under Bush. Click here for this ridiculous story. I really didn’t think that there was a bigger moron and loser than Bush, but McCain sure is catching up!

Seek the truth PEOPLE. There are those that know and are trying to spread the word. Just listen and decide for yourself who to believe. Please don’t listen to the press, the TV news. They are paid by OUR government to steer you astray. Have you seen this video on Fox News Busted? Check it out. Remember with the media, it’s very hard to distinguish the truth from the lies. A government issued report is mostly lies or cover-ups. People that speak the truth are being suppressed by OUR government for speaking the truth. OUR government does not want you to know the real truth, they want you to believe that what they say is the truth. And yes, there are a few, very few in the know, that will help spread that truth, but very quietly.

Listen to what Alex Jones has to say. He is one man that seeks the truth. They’re trying to shut him down in the U.K., because of the TRUTH. Check out his Prison Planet site. He is incredible. PEOPLE seek the real TRUTH, before it’s too late. Do the research before you cast your vote. It could be the biggest mistake of your life.

VOTE FOR NONE OF THE ABOVE Movement has started. Join us now. Save the United States of America NOW. UNITED WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL.

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Visit my Nature’s Beauty gallery.

Buy and plant milkweed today and help save the Monarch Butterflies.

Supported links:
Monarch Watch is dedicated to saving the Monarchs through tagging, monitoring and other conservation means. The Monarch Waystation Program was started for others to help the Monarchs every day and throughout their migration period. My yard is waystation 293 out of over 2,100 registered waystations.
Live Monarch Foundation raises thousands of butterflies and milkweed and offers free milkweed seeds to start your own conservation efforts to save the Monarch in your own backyard.
Michoacan Reforestation and Habitat Protection Fund helps the Monarch’s winter habitat through reforestation of the land that has been devastated through development and construction.
Monarch Sanctuary provides financial and scientific support to preserve the natural balance and diversity of the oyamel fir forests that are the overwintering grounds for the Monarchs.
Monarch Butterfly Works toward conservation and offers a lot of great information on gardening tips, life cycle, biology and much more.
National Wildlife Federation A familiar foundation that really works to save all forms of wildlife worldwide.
UF Wildlife Ecology Their mission is to foster education, expand knowledge, and reward scholarships, using multi-disciplinary approaches, for the purpose of understanding, managing, and conserving biological resources.
Florida Wildlife Federation Affiliated with the National Wildlife Federation, their goals are to help the wildlife of Florida.
The Humane Society of the Treasure Coast – my local Humane Society Shelter.
Orphie G’s Emporium Buy butterfly plants and seeds for your butterfly garden. This is my ebay store.

Other links:
Do you Squidoo? Try it, it’s great! Make a lens about whatever subject you choose.
Integrated Pest Management Information on how to control the pests in your lawn and garden, limiting the use of pesticides.
Come Join My Network at Digg
Visit Nature’s Beauty for some great products and gifts.

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All my life I have had a love for nature, for animals, the great outdoors, the sun, the moon and the stars. The first thing I do in the morning is open the blinds and let the sun shine in and look out to see what critters await. Whether it’s the birds and squirrels waiting for a handout or the butterflies sipping nectar from the flowers I grow just for them. Well OK, I grow them for me, too!

I try in every way I can to lessen my impact on the earth, to make amends, so to speak, for displacing the wildlife for my own habitat. I grow native plants and flowers that not only offer beauty to the eye, but offer food, shelter and a place to raise young. Those are three very important things to every habitat, human or not. The fourth is water and I provide water with a bird bath, another saucer of water for the squirrels (however they do share it with some Cardinals!) and another small bird bath in the front yard. I also have raccoons, possums, rat snakes, anoles, and frogs that live in and around my yard. I had a bobcat stop for a short visit a few weeks ago. Only, if I’d had my camera handy. It was beautiful.

You can create your own backyard wildlife habitat with a few tips from the National Wildlife Federation’s Backyard Habitat program. All you need is to offer food, water, shelter and a place to raise young and you can have your yard certified and get this great sign to let others know that you support wildlife and the environment.

Backyard Habitat Sign
Gardening is something that I have always enjoyed. And I am currently pursuing a degree in Environmental Horticulture. Just to drop a tiny seed in a pot of soil and watch it grow into a plant, large shrub or tree is awesome. And when the very first flower opens up, the smile it brings to my face and my heart is everlasting. Gardening brings peace, appreciation and good health. In order to have a healthy, beautiful garden you have to work it. Trimming, weeding, watering, fertilizing (only as needed) not only exercises your mind and body, but relaxes too.

I even get enjoyment from pulling weeds! Oh, do I hear some screams? Yes, pulling weeds. It’s the best meditation method I have found and a great way to take out any frustrations you may have. I mulch heavily so there aren’t many to pull (as long as you keep the upper hand) and by pulling them out by hand, I know that I am not harming the environment with chemical herbicides and pesticides. This is part of the Integrated Pest Management Program, which the main point is to use no to very little pesticides and herbicides. You can read more on IPM and how to incorporate this program into your yard maintenance routine by clicking here.

There are good insects and bad insects. You can’t have the good insects without a few of the bad ones around. Wouldn’t it be grand if we could all have the perfect yards and gardens without insects and weeds and whatever else annoys you? Well, get over it, cause it ain’t gonna happen. But if you can afford and want to deal with the hassle of replanting every couple of months, you may just get that perfect garden…but it won’t be that way for long.

Monarch Waystation Sign
Practicing Integrated Pest Management will help you have a nicer, healthier garden for long time. This is the main thing that you need to do to keep your backyard wildlife habitat filled with wildlife. You can’t be using harmful chemicals, this will harm and kill the wildlife you want to attract, not to mention make your environment unhealthy and unfriendly to you, your kids and your pets.

Oh, “what is this great sign.” you ask? This is my Monarch Waystation sign. Not only is my yard a certified backyard wildlife habitat, but is also a waystation for Monarch butterflies. Though living in Florida, I am not in the path that the migrating Monarchs take, I still provide host and nectar plants for them. The Florida Monarchs are basically year round residents. I provide host plants for other butterflies as well, such as Queens, Black Swallowtails, Polydamus Swallowtail, Pipevine Swallowtail, Gulf Fritillary and the Florida state butterfly, Zebra Longwing.

The Monarch butterfly is losing it’s migration habitat as I write this post. Everyday more and more of the forest is being cut down and developed. I’m doing my part by sharing this information with you in hopes that you will help me in my quest to save the Monarchs from extinction. I support several Monarch and other butterfly foundations through donations and I appeal to you to help. You can read more by visiting my donation site Save the Monarchs and by making a donation or purchasing any of the products shown or any of the butterfly products from Nature’s Beauty gallery.

Gardens and gardening brings peace, joy and happiness to all those who experience it, whether it’s by sight, smell, sound or touch. Make someone happy today. Invite them and wildlife into your life with your own little garden of Eden.

Here’s another interesting post on Wildlife and the climate change click here to visit.

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Visit my Nature’s Beauty gallery.

Buy and plant milkweed today and help save the Monarch Butterflies.

Supported links:
Monarch Watch is dedicated to saving the Monarchs through tagging, monitoring and other conservation means. The Monarch Waystation Program was started for others to help the Monarchs every day and throughout their migration period. My yard is waystation 293 out of over 2,100 registered waystations.
Live Monarch Foundation raises thousands of butterflies and milkweed and offers free milkweed seeds to start your own conservation efforts to save the Monarch in your own backyard.
Michoacan Reforestation and Habitat Protection Fund helps the Monarch’s winter habitat through reforestation of the land that has been devastated through development and construction.
Monarch Sanctuary provides financial and scientific support to preserve the natural balance and diversity of the oyamel fir forests that are the overwintering grounds for the Monarchs.
Monarch Butterfly Works toward conservation and offers a lot of great information on gardening tips, life cycle, biology and much more.
National Wildlife Federation A familiar foundation that really works to save all forms of wildlife worldwide.
UF Wildlife Ecology Their mission is to foster education, expand knowledge, and reward scholarships, using multi-disciplinary approaches, for the purpose of understanding, managing, and conserving biological resources.
Florida Wildlife Federation Affiliated with the National Wildlife Federation, their goals are to help the wildlife of Florida.
The Humane Society of the Treasure Coast – my local Humane Society Shelter.
Orphie G’s Emporium Buy butterfly plants and seeds for your butterfly garden. This is my ebay store.

Other links:
Do you Squidoo? Try it, it’s great! Make a lens about whatever subject you choose.
Integrated Pest Management Information on how to control the pests in your lawn and garden, limiting the use of pesticides.
Come Join My Network at Digg
Visit Nature’s Beauty for some great products and gifts.

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I was reading a great blog about how much we pay for a bottle of water written by adamsemail, click here to read it, and it reminded me that one of the issues I haven’t mentioned as yet, (in the short time since I started blogging) is recycling. Our views are the same when it comes to the environment and what needs to be done to protect, clean and care for what should not be taken advantage of. He wrote of his volunteer work cleaning up one of the rivers where he lives and about all the water bottles, among other trash, that he and his wife picked up. Granted, a lot of the trash floated there because of the rain and the river filling and flowing over. But the main point is, the trash wouldn’t be there if YOU had only thrown it away in a trash bin and not on the ground. I know that all of the beaches, parks and recreation areas I’ve ever been to have trash bins. Wow, what a concept! Handy trash bins.

I recycle and have been recycling for over 25 years. And it irks me that more people don’t recycle. I’m not sure how many homes in my neighborhood recycle, but I know it’s a lot less than it could be. This neighborhood is growing and is not fully developed, but there are still many homes that don’t. I can tell by how fast the recycle truck gets through the neighborhood as I hear them going up and down the other streets. And there are only four houses on my street that actually face the street, the rest are either on the side streets or vacant lots.

In association with Zazzle.com
We have five recycle bins and every Friday at least three of them are full and put out by the street to be picked up by the recycle truck. Yes, three bins every Friday. It just means that I buy and use more products in recyclable containers than not. As for regular garbage, it’s about one of the large rubber cans a week and they pick up the trash twice a week. I have more recycles than I do garbage.

And let’s not forget to mention the litterbugs. What is the problem with keeping your garbage in your car until you get home and then throwing it away? Why do you have to throw it out in the street, in my yard or the vacant lots? I have vacant lots on both sides of my house and across the street and keep them clean of the garbage you so selfishly throw out, not caring how it makes the area look or what it does to the environment, not to mention the wildlife, as long as you don’t have to deal with it anymore.

One of these days, I will see you throw out your trash and I will pick it and then I will take it all and dump it in your front yard. I bet you won’t like that now, will you? I can hear you now…don’t be dumping your trash in my front yard and on my street. So the next time your driving around, wasting your $4.00 + a gallon gasoline, think about that empty bottle you are about to throw out the window. Think about how it will make the roadsides look, how it will affect the environment and the wildlife.

In association with Zazzle.com
And don’t just think about it when driving, but when you’re enjoying a day a the beach, at a park, anywhere, just once try and leave it cleaner than when you got there. Even if it means picking up the slob’s trash that was there before you. Set a good example for your kids and the other people around you. Who knows, you may even get others involved and they will help, and before long, wow, the area is clean of trash and you can leave with a good feeling and a smile on your face knowing that you may have just started your own pay it forward deed.


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Buy and plant milkweed today and help save the Monarch Butterflies.

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Just one day after President Bush renewed his demand for Congress to turn over more of America
’s natural resources to Big Oil, Exxon Mobil reports the largest quarterly profit in America’s history, an amazing $1,485.55 per second.

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Why do we not have more, cleaner energy efficient fuels, forms of producing electricity, wind mills, solar power? Two words…BIG OIL. Why are all the good renewable sources of energy basically non-existent and so expensive to make and use? BIG OIL. Any conglomerate that is making $1,485.55 per SECOND, is NOT going to let technology come in and cut into those kind of profits. That’s why we have to get our butts in gear and start doing something about it.

In association with Zazzle.com
Stop giving in, stop driving, carpool, let your kids carpool to their extra-curricular activities. Don’t drive everyday, plan to do your errands on the way to or home from work (those of you that still have jobs). Don’t drive all over town to use those coupons to save $.25, when you spend $10.00 in gas to get there and you probably don’t even use the product anyway. Buy in bulk the things you use daily, toilet paper, paper towels, foil, dog food, deodorants, laundry detergent, bleach and cleaners, soft drinks, beer and wines, vitamins, OTC drugs, school supplies, and anything with a long shelf life. It pays to pay that $40 to $100 membership fee to shop at the discount clubs. You’ll get your money back in just a couple of visits with the amount of money you save, especially those of you with kids. You not only save at the checkout, but the savings in gas alone is enough to pay the membership fees.

There are many things you can do to save energy and money without giving up your quality of life. But first you have to decide what your quality of life is. Are you so self absorbed and materialistic that you can’t go one day without driving? Do you have a handle on your time and life?

My philosophy is just this simple…stop and smell the roses, take a moment and raise your face to the sun and soak up that warmth (and vitamin D), listen to the sounds of nature and look at the beauty around you. It makes me smile to know the birds, bees, flowers and trees are still there, FOR NOW. I would rather have nothing at all and be able to see the beauty of nature around me.

In association with Zazzle.com
What’s that? Do I follow my own advice? Absolutely. Thanks to the Bushes, Big Oil and all the industries that are running this country right now, I am out of work due to “budget cuts.” Wow, isn’t that a nice way to put it? We going to send your position overseas, so due to “budget cuts” we’re sorry, but we have to let you go. And where are the jobs? No where. Budget cuts are everywhere, I even heard in the grocery store yesterday that the store is cutting back on the hours they will be open. Now, not only do I NOT have the money to by food, which by the way the prices are up at least 20%, now I can’t shop at my convenience. I drive maybe two days a week, unless I have an interview and those are few and far between and I have over 14 years experience along with qualifications to do many other types of work.

If I find that I need something I ask my husband to pick it up on his way home. So basically, I am doing what I can. I send letters, e-mails, write these blogs to try to get the word out. Now, it’s up to you. Do you just sit there and do nothing or are you going to take a stand, unite with those of us committed to do something and fight with us?

Will you chose to help? Will you chose to hide behind a gas pump? Either way…even if you chose not to chose, you’ll still have made a choice!

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One of my biggest pet peeves is stupid people. And I’ve had to deal with them on a daily basis for way too long. I use to work at a home improvement warehouse and one of my “favorite” questions was, “Do you work here?” Granted I am standing there in my orange apron and putting away merchandise. And of course, being who I am I answered in some not too gracious ways! A couple of my favorite responses are, “No, I just look good in orange!” or “No, but I can find someone who does!”

I sell on eBay and today this person bought three of one item that I had in a fixed price listing with ten available for purchase. I offered free shipping. Now plain as the nose on my face I had the following words…”FREE Shipping available in the US ONLY. Free shipping applies to the first item only. Purchase of 2 or more will be charged and shipped USPS Priority Mail.”

Now, I can ship one for free, because the cost is minimal and I can still make a small profit, even after eBay and PayPal take out their exorbitant fees. However, the USPS has a 13 ounce limit on First Class Mail and these items weigh 6 ounces each without packaging. So to ship more than one, I can’t using First Class and well, the other choices are more expensive. I sell on eBay to make a small profit and not just for fun. But, of course, some of the buyers have no clue what they are doing anyway and don’t think about whether or not you make money as long as they get they stuff at little or no cost to them!

Now, these very important words, “FREE Shipping available in the US ONLY. Free shipping applies to the first item only. Purchase of 2 or more will be charged and shipped USPS Priority Mail.” are placed just above the item description. So you have to read that before you read the description. Now are those words hard to understand? It is not clear that if you purchase more than one item that you will pay for shipping fees? Or am I mistaken by giving people credit with having some intelligence? I know when I go to purchase an item on eBay I read the listing or at least peruse the whole thing for those important, sometimes small print, bits of information.

So, needless to say, I have not gotten paid for the items in question, and I’m sure I’ll probably have to fight this one out. I should win, because eBay has no control over my terms of sale. But of course I get an e-mail from the buyer that goes something like this…It says free shipping, but at checkout it adds shipping and insurance. Now here’s another point of not reading and/or not understanding what you read. Insurance is optional, you do not have to buy it if you do not want it. I mean, isn’t that what optional means?

My response to the buyer was to go back and read the listing and the part about buying two or more. I copied and pasted the above and put it in the e-mail hoping they would read and understand. Oh, but no can do. I get another response about how they mis-read it even more…it says combine order to save on shipping shipping is free. Now I’m confused as to how they came up with that statement. I just respond with “Shipping is free on the first item only as it states in the listing.” Well, that must have blown their mind, because I haven’t heard from them since.

So, what’s wrong with you people to be so stupid? Is is laziness? Is it because you don’t want to take responsibility for your own actions (whoa, that’s for another post!) Or is it because you REALLY are stupid? Do you really think that people are going to take pity on you, so you play dumb? I think that is really a stupid thing to do.

You need to smarten up and take notice because the world is passing you by and you, due to your stupidness and not willing to take any action, is letting it go to hell in a hand basket. And to all of you that want to bash the Republicans and the Democrats and want to blame it on “party” affiliation. HELLO, wake up and drink another cup of coffee (you drug addicts, yes, caffeine is a drug), it’s not the “party” to blame. It’s the individual that’s to blame. His/her views don’t coincide with the others, left or right.

What we need is GOOD people that will represent the country as a whole and not their own agendas and pocketbooks. I think maybe I should run for office. Will you vote for me? My agenda is to bring America back to the people….of the people, for the people, and by the people. Oh, and let’s not forget about Mother Nature and her group. Nature Rules!

Well, I’m off in pursuit of more stupid people. But while you wait for the next installment, oh, maybe I’ll write a book…My Encounters with Stupid People!, please check out my other posts and help stop the drilling and save the wolves.

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Buy and plant milkweed today and help save the Monarch Butterflies.

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Please support clean energy solutions.

I am deeply concerned about the devastating impacts of our country’s ongoing fossil fuel dependency on the environment and the economy.

Americans need clean energy solutions to recharge our economy, reduce global warming pollution and give consumers an alternative to painful prices at the pump.

Passing comprehensive climate change legislation that includes a global warming cap-and-invest program would reduce our oil imports four times more than we could from drilling in the Arctic Refuge, off our beaches and in the Rocky Mountains combined. This will save Americans $180 billion through the year 2030 on foreign oil expenditures.

Especially considering the oil companies have 68 million acres that go un-utilized. According to at least one congressman only 20% offshore and 30% onshore drilling is now being utilized. HELLO? Why do they (BIG OIL) need more?

I urge you to support real alternatives to America’s failed energy policies by passing strong global warming legislation that will break America’s fossil fuel addiction, reduce global warming pollution and promote investment in clean energy alternatives.

Please copy and paste the above letter (written/provided by the National Wildlife Federation) and send it to your congressmen, senators, and friends so they can spread the word and put the pressure on the government. If you and I don’t speak up, we will lose more and more of our freedoms, wildlife and lives all for the greed of the government, which is no longer “of the people, for the people and by the people.” Let’s take control back from the dictators before it’s too late. Try this link for the above letter

Other ways to help through the National Wildlife Federation.

Chill the Drills

Here’s another reason we don’t need to drill more click here for the story.
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Visit my Nature’s Beauty gallery.

Buy and plant milkweed today and help save the Monarch Butterflies.

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